FAQ & Contact Us
Here's a list of the most frequent questions we get to our helpdesk. We’d really appreciate you taking a look at these before reaching out to us, but for anything not listed, or if you can’t resolve the issue using the below advice, we’re happy to help - please email us on hello@busbridgetennis.co.uk
- Who are the BTA?
- How do I take out a membership?
- How do I renew a membership?
- How do I resolve court booking problems? (“greyed out” or “padlocked” issues)
- How do I resolve the “maximum bookings exceeded” error?
- How do I cancel a court booking?
- Are the courts locked? Do I need a key or a pin code?
- Are the courts floodlit?
- What are your court booking rules?
- Where can I find your policies and safeguarding information?
Busbridge Tennis Association aims to grow tennis in our community, with an emphasis on having fun and welcoming beginners and rusty racquets alike.
Before Busbridge Tennis Association began, the courts at Holloway Hill comprised two hard courts and two grass courts which were under-used and neglected.
In 2006, under the drive and determination of BTA Chair Dr Chris Jagger and others, there was a drive to revamp the facilities with contributions from several organisations towards the £146,000 cost.
The aim of the project was to provide excellent facilities to encourage beginners and accomplished players as part of a community partnership project, making the courts available to the public with an association to bring players together.
The area was transformed with four full size hard courts, four mini courts, new fencing and nets, CCTV cameras and the multi-use games area (MUGA) for five-a-side football and basketball. Subsequently, a huge fund-raising drive resulted in the installation of floodlights at a cost of £20,000 enabling play all year round.
BTA grew swiftly from a handful of members to over 100 within weeks and currently stands at circa 700.
The refurbishment of the courts was funded by Waverley Community Partnership Fund, the Big Lottery Fund, Surrey County Council, SITA Trust and Surrey Playing Fields Associate amongst others.
Our Leadership team are:
- David Burndred - Chair
- Sam Hector - Vice Chair
- Caroline Branfoot - Director & Safeguarding Officer
- Claire Ventress - Director
- David Ventress - Director
- Eden Allen - Director
- Laurence Pearce - Director
- John Ryder - Director
- Paul Rennie - Director
- Seb Munns - Director & Coach
- Marc-Anthony Lopez - Coach
How do I take out a membership?
Thanks for your interest in taking out a membership with the BTA - this will allow you to book courts, enter our Wimbledon ticket ballot, come along to our weekly club nights, participate in regular tournaments, and join us at social events.
In order to sign up, please go to: https://clubspark.lta.org.uk/BusbridgeTennisAssociation/Membership/Join
Here you can select which type of membership suits you best, and pay using Card or Direct Debit. All our memberships run for a full 12 months from the date of purchase, and you can control whether this automatically renews, or if you want to renew manually.
Please take note of which login method you use to create an account with us. You can create an account with us using an email and password, or log in using an existing Google, Facebook, Microsoft, or LTA account. It’s important that you always log in using the same method, so the system doesn’t create a duplicate account for you.
Keep an eye out for an automated email from the BTA, which you’ll receive 1 week prior to your membership expiry date, inviting you to renew. It will contain a link to renew your membership, and remind you of your username & login method. If you follow this link, you can choose to pay your renewal using Card or Direct Debit.
It's important that you login using the same username and method as shown on the renewal email - if you try to log in and the system doesn't recognise your account, please double check you are using the same method as you normally do. This will ensure the system renews your existing account as opposed to creating a duplicate membership. If you have difficulty renewing, please reach out to us.
If this email doesn’t arrive, you can still renew by clicking the following link, making sure you’re logged in (top right) and there you should see a button that says "Renew Now" - as opposed to "Join Now": https://clubspark.lta.org.uk/BusbridgeTennisAssociation/Membership/Join
Please note the “Renew Now” button only appears 1 week before your membership is due - please see the screenshot below.
How do I resolve court booking problems? (“greyed out” or “padlocked” issues)
The three things we always check with members who are having difficulty booking courts is:
1. Are you logged in to your account (your name should appear in the top right of the screen), and have you logged in using the same LTA account that you normally do?
2. Do you have an active membership with BTA? To double check - navigate to this page (while logged in) and make sure it says “Active” next to your membership: https://clubspark.lta.org.uk/BusbridgeTennisAssociation/Memberships
3. Are you trying to book a court/time that makes sense? Is it in the next 8 days, not in the past or distant future? Further - have you hit any court booking limits (members are currently allowed to make 3 bookings in a 7 day rolling period)?
If you still can't make bookings because you see grey padlocks or another issue, please send us a screenshot and detailed description of the problem to our member helpdesk using the form below.
How do I resolve the “maximum bookings exceeded” error?
We currently impose a limit on each member of 3 bookings of up to 2 hours each in a 7 day period. You can also only book a court in the next 8 days - not further out.
These limits are in place in order to ensure all members have a fair chance of booking courts, and to encourage members to attend their bookings.
If you do need to make the booking, your options are to cancel one of your bookings in the future, in order to free up a slot for another one - or to wait and attend one of your existing bookings, at which point you should only have two bookings in the next seven day rolling period, allowing you to book a third.
We will keep these limits under regular regular review to try to strike the right balance when it comes to court availability. Any feedback you have is welcome.
How do I cancel a court booking?
It’s really important for the BTA to maximise court availability, so all our members have a good chance of booking a court when they’d like one, and to minimise no-shows. We really appreciate you cancelling any bookings that you realise you can’t attend at your earliest convenience.
If you need to cancel a court booking, the easiest way is to click the following link:
If you’re not already logged in, it should ask you to log in first. Then a list of your court bookings should appear. In order to cancel, please press the cancel button next to the relevant booking (please see the screenshot)
Are the courts locked? Do I need a key or a pin code?
No, just turn up in good time for your booking with a racquet and balls!
The courts are floodlit, but we typically only use these for group sessions such as our weekly mixed doubles club nights on a Tuesday or Thursday evening. Please book a court at a time where you are confident there will be enough natural light to enjoy the session.
If you plan to host a regular session in the evenings, or have special circumstances whereby you need to use the floodlights, please contact us and we’ll work it out.
What are your court booking rules?
As we're a club that embraces inclusivity and access to tennis for all, we always leave one court available for anyone to turn up and play. Therefore three of our four courts are available to book (and this is why court 4 is listed as "closed" to bookings). Please be respectful of those using the facility when you arrive for your booking.
For certain regular weekly events, for example during Tuesday club nights (19:00 - 21:00), the BTA may use all four courts.
The courts are not typically floodlit, so please book a time where you're confident there will be sufficient light to play.
Courts are available to book up to 8 days in advance.
Once you've completed the booking form, you will recieve an email confirming your booking. Please bring this booking confirmation with you, and be prepared to show your booking confirmation to demonstrate you are entitled to use the court.
If you do not arrive to use the court within 15 minutes of your booking start time, your booking becomes void for the entire duration, and other players may utilise the court. Please cancel your booking if you realise you can't make the time.
The court booking system is for the benefit of all BTA members, so please only book courts for the duration that you require, and cancel your booking well in advance if you find you cannot play.
Where can I find your policies and safeguarding information?
The BTA are committed to being a safe and welcoming place to play tennis for everyone. Safeguarding and wellbeing of all our members is of paramount importance to us. We have a full suite of Safeguarding policies available through the dedicated Safeguarding page on this website. These Policies explain BTA's approach and are aligned to LTA guidance. You can also access all BTA Policies using the link below.
BTA Policy Documents Folder - Click Here
Please reach out to us if you need further clarification or assistance.
Where to find us
Busbridge Tennis Association
Holloway Hill Recreation Ground, GODALMING Surrey GU7 1QD